
NEWS FLASH: Freelance china-hand turns geeky academic turns Army civilian

I am just going to dive in here with a timeline, jogged from the recesses of my mind.

  • April 2009: University of Chicago offers me a fullboat to sail into another masters.

  • September 2009: I return to Chicago and dive into 'the school thing'

  • October 2009: Realization UofC is not like other grad school

  • November 2009: Acclimatization to workload

  • December 2009: Pain threshold increased

  • February 2010: Embracing low esteem

  • April 2010: Loving the Burn

  • May 2010: Neurons burnhing holes through my skull

  • June 2010: Flying colors on coursework

  • July 2010: My baby (the thesis: Cheng Guan Regulations:Managing Urban (Dis)Orders in Reform Era China) was born.

  • August 2010: Walking down the aisle at Rockefellar Chapel with the diploma in hand and parents in the audience

  • October 2010-November 2010: Yunnan-Bangkok-Yunnan

  • December 2010: Mom's Wedding!

  • January 2011: Haul stuff from 4 corners of earth to single apartment in DC

  • February 2011: Started work in my office with a door at the Dept of Social Work at Walter Reed Army Medical Center

  • August 2011: 6 months herding very nice social workers & administering the close of the hospital and standing it back up at National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda. No more green. No more blue. All Purple all the time!

    So this is what I got for today. I am committed to starting to renegotiate my digital visibility. I am settled here after 6months so that is not an excuse. I have reaquainted myself with the laptop at home after the half-year sabatical to that is not an excuse. AND I need to write! AND process the piles of information I encounter each day!

OK I ALSO NEED TO WRITE UP THAT THESIS. (note: capital letters)

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Why Lotus? Why Pine?

The lotus signifies the progress of the soul from the primeval mud of materialism, through the waters of experience, and into the bright sunshine of enlightenment.

The pine signifies longevity and endurance because of its green foliage year round. In both good and bad weather, the pine thrives year after year thus it also represents pure life and constancy in the face of adversity.

Yunnan Province is a mountain landscape created when the Indian Sub-continent crashed into the tropical lowlands of Burma. It is a place with hundreds of unique species and dozens of amazing topographies. When I walk the mountains of Yunnan, I breathe fresh pine air and marvel at the indigenous wildflowers. Yunnan is also the conduit through which Buddhism came to China, along the caravan trails from India. The lotus is a Buddhist symbol of purity and perfection. When I photograph these flowers, I am always captivated by their geometry and peace-inspiring colors.

my motto

Look well to this day For it is life The very best of life.
In its brief course lie all The realities and truths of existence,
The joy of growth, the splendor of action, The glory of power.
For yesterday is but a memory. And tomorrow is only a vision.
But today well lived Makes every yesterday a memory of happiness And every tomorrow a vision of hope.
Look well, therefore to this day.

--from the Sanskrit